over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Journal Day 17
ICMS and ICHS school pictures will be taken tomorrow, Monday, August 29th.
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICHS/ICMS Picture Day
ICSS Home Football and Sporting Events' Guidelines
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
 ICSS Home Football and Sporting Events' Guidelines
Blood Drive at ICHS 9/1/22 9:00-2:00
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Blood Drive at ICHS 9/1/22 9:00-2:00
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Journal Day 16
KIndness Journal Day 15 https://youtu.be/fP9RzrVGVQk
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Journal Day 15
ICHS/ICMS Underclassmen School Picture's 8/29/2022 To order online in advance with a debit or credit card, click on link. This is a great way for all to order underclassmen packages instead of having to worry about bringing order forms and money on picture day. https://vando.imagequix.com/g1000953119
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Underclassmen Picture Day 8/29/2022
Reminder: Attention 8th Grade Parents: REACH Scholarship Application Information All 8th grade students have been given the paperwork for the REACH Scholarship. The applications are due Friday, August 26th!
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
8th Grade REACH Scholarship
Kindness Journal Day 14 https://youtu.be/jgoTj7V7dF0
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Day 14
ICSS Sports this Week 8/23-8/26
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICSS Sports this Week 8/23-8/26
ICMS football game in Hawkinsville - Wednesday, Aug. 24th All games in Hawkinsville are CASHLESS. You can use a card at the gate or go to rmd.me/os.RER8b9Sk to buy a ticket - it will be listed under Hawkinsville High School.
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Kindness Journal Day 13 https://youtu.be/08zA4zGeXKY
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Kindness Journal
Kindness Journal Day 12 https://youtu.be/3dSQdl_3RuM
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Kindness Journal
You've Got This! Have a great week! #weareirwin #positivevibes
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Monday Morning
We are looking forward to seeing who can grow the LARGEST pumpkin in Georgia. Keep a close eye on your planted pumpkin seeds to keep those watered and fertilized as needed. Irwin Co 4-H weigh-in day will be October 20th. Thank you to each 4-H'er who is participating in this contest.🍀❤️🖤
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICHS/ICMS School Picture Day
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICHS/ICMS School Picture Day
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Kindness Journal Day 10
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Kindness Journal Day 10
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Kindness Journal Day 9
Character Strong's Kindness Journal Day 8 https://youtube.com/shorts/AxxOTfyWGWA?feature=share
over 2 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Kindness Journal Day 8